Lets talk about “fats”

Nutrition is an extremely important facet of the health world. In fact, many people say that weight loss if 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. There is no exact number o the percent of success from those two facets, but it does actually make sense. If most of the calories burned in a day is through resting metabolic rate, then exercise is just a portion of the weight loss. Most people think of the main three macronutrients as: protein is good, carbs are bad, and fat is bad. However, this is not true in the slightest.

In this topic we will talk about fats. Many people when trying to change their diet cut out as much fat as possible. However, the human body needs fat to survive and for all systems to function better. Fish, avocados, and olive oil are all high in fat, but they are all very healthy for your body to consume. If you cut all things with fat in them, the body will simply turn carbs and protein (yes even protein) into fat for energy storage. There are some fats to avoid however.

Trans fat has been overall outlawed for consumption because its unhealthy properties. However, if you fry some foods the normal fats could turn into a trans fat. Saturated fat is okay in small amounts, but should be kept at a minimum of your overall fat intake. Eating more of the unhealthy fats wont necessarily make you “fat” but it may make your body sick or function poorly.

Quick tip: don’t cut out a single item or nutrient from your diet without proper consultation with your doctor. Most of the time, its not necessary and simply looking at the quality of your food is a better way to manage your weight. Please reach out with any questions or for personal accountability!


Exercise Progression


Habit loop and use