Popular Diet Plans

We have all heard of the most recent and new fad diet plans popping up on social media. It’s a common thing for people to post about new things they have tried and how much it helped them, and sometimes it can be very convincing. I mean, who doesn’t want to lose weight in a new crazy cool way, right? But many times these “diet” plans really have no scientific backing to the claims.

When trying to go through a lifestyle change, specifically when it comes to your food intake, more research has to be done. The basic principle of intake vs output will stay the same, so it must follow those guidelines (calories eaten must be less than calories burned in order to lose weight). Sometimes one food choice helps one individual, but not another. Why is that?

Sustainability is very important, as is safety. Huge calorie deficits can be dangerous and are generally not recommended. Completely changing your diet can be a shock to your system, and the body may actually hold onto calories and fat in order to protect itself in cases of shock to the body, causing more difficulty losing weight than anticipated. Look at why a diet is successful, and if it is backed by research and some general common sense. A diet is eating only pizza 2x a day for a month and lose weight? Maybe that is too good to be fact. Eat only fresh fruit and veggies every day? May need to add more to keep your body nourished and healthy. Look at the whole picture before jumping on a new bandwagon for a diet and change in lifestyle.


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