Scientific Weight Loss

Fad diets, drastic caloric deficits, working out 7 days a week: All are poor (but common) ways people try to lose weight. People believe that fast and intense changes to their life are what will bring them the most results. However, sustainability and health are no a part of any of these methods.

The most calories you burn is actually through your resting metabolic rate (RMR), in other words, how many calories you burn at rest or just existing. The only way to improve this number, is to improve your body composition. Increased amounts of lean body mass (muscles) will increase your RMR, causing your to use more calories simply to exist!

Having a caloric deficit (working off more than you eat) is needed for weight loss, but should not be done in excess. Simply decreasing daily calorie intake by around 500 calories a day is beneficial, and is much more sustainable and healthy. This is best seen by increasing activity level or decreasing serving sizes of food on a daily basis. But don’t skip full meals, or go from 30 minutes of exercise a week to 200 in one week.

Weight loss is done best through sustainable daily changes to your habits. This is achieved best when you have someone to help hold you accountable and set up gradual changing goals.


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