The problem of Burnout

Burnout is one of the most common problems in the US. There is a difference of work importance in the united states compared to most of the rest of the world. Take Europe for example, they have more breaks, work less hours, and have more maternity leave and pay readily available. This is because they understand that the human being is not meant to slave away at work every day all day.

So why is America so different? We were built on a foundation of hard work and labor, and doing whatever is necessary to pay off living expenses. Many workers who are salaried work more than 40 hours a week, including taking work home with them. Those who are not salaried need to make more hours to cover costs of insurance, benefits, and other, and generally work overtime for the pay. Money is of course important, but when the dust settles, its all you have.

Burnout is extremely subjective. This is what makes it so hard to prevent on time. One person may be happy working 50 hours a week and having one good day off a week for leasure, while someone else may be unhappy about a 40 hour work week. Sometimes, this is not about work ethic and laziness, sometimes its about quality of life. People have to find something that helps them relax and enjoy their work again. This can be a vacation, going into the woods each weekend, having a family day, or working out regularly. Its unique to everyone, but everyone does need to explore this before they have full burnout, or else it is likely too late. I would love to discuss ways to help find a prevention to future burnout with you! please reach out with questions or current concerns in your work life balance!


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