Heart Disease

Heart Disease is one of the most common illnesses that people face in the world, always accounting in the top 3 of causes of death. These can come from many different ways, but do primarily focus on lifestyle choices.

The heart is an organ which must pump blood throughout the body. The actual science is very long to explain, but the harder the heart must work at rest can cause more long term damage. This comes about from buildup of plaque (from high cholesterol or fats) as well as decreased efficiency of pumping (lack of exercise). The resting heart rate of an inactive individual is much higher due to the heart needing to work harder to provide its daily function.

Overtime the heart may overwork itself. This can cause congestive heart failure, heart attack, and edema. These will all limit what you can do in your day to day life. Sadly, this is a very common issue and men do tend to have a higher rate of this in the country. This is a major reason why men have a shorter lifespan compared to women (although women still can get this as well).

How do we stop or decrease this issue? Diet changes are important, putting less saturated fats as well as decreased cholesterol intake can help with your balance. Regular exercises helps to condition the heart, as well as build more lean muscle mass and decrease some fat and weight to reduce load on the heart. Reach out to me for any questions on prevention! If you already are diagnosed with a heart condition, get medical clearance before a lifestyle change!




Understanding Chronic Illness