Lets talk about “carbs”

Carbs are a topic that are often incorrectly explained. Lots of “diets” include cutting out carbs all together. Your body needs carbs in order to function, especially your brain. Your brain can actually only work on glucose, which is a carb. If you don’t eat any carbs, your body has to convert other nutrients into carbs.

Carbs are in tons of foods: wheat, grain, sugar, starch, and many others. This means potatoes, bread, pasta, and rice are all high in carbs. Not all carbs are bad for you! In fact, your body needs many of these (especially fiber). In fact, your body needs 125-175 grams of carbs a day MINIMUM.

Carbohydrates are important for energy, and when you workout carbs are more available to use. Carbs are in fact helpful for transportation of protein after a workout as well! This means it is beneficial to have protein AND carbs after a workout. Don’t cut something completely out of your diet without proper consultation first!


Lets talk about “Protein”


Exercise Progression