Obesity Epidemic

Unfortunately, one of the most common chronic diseases in the country is obesity. This is defined as having a weight that causes increased health detriments. The CDC Shows a graphic of general obesity rates in America, and it is stunning to see. Being overweight causes increased risk for most diseases and causes overworking of your internal systems to move throughout the body.

It is important to know that Obesity is not 100% lifestyle dependent, as some people have hormonal imbalances which may effect their metabolism. It may also come from injuries which make them unable to participate in exercise. However, it is primarily driven by poor nutrition and inactive lifestyles. This will limit participation in activities with family, personal, or work related.

Obesity is defined by BMI primarily, which is height and weight status. 30.0 and above are considered obese, however there are important caveats to make. Increased muscle mass may increase you on the BMI scale. A 5’9 male who is 190 lbs of primarily muscle will register on the BMI scale as a 28.1, which is defined as overweight. So do not go on this scale alone! it is more about how you feel and how your weight effects your day to day life.

As expected, obesity is best controlled or avoided with the use of Proper exercise and nutrition. This has to come in stages, as one cannot simply jump into intense exercise and completely new eating patterns. A good first step is to start walking more each day, as well as to decrease portions of what you are eating. Maybe try the same diet, but instead of having 2 or 3 plates, just eat one. Please reach out to me for questions regarding lifestyle changes and if you want to get started on a new lifestyle path! I want to hear from you!


Type 2 diabetes

