Type 2 diabetes

Another chronic illness effecting the general population is diabetes, primarily type two. Type 1 is primarily genetic and is not generally caused from external sources and therefore cannot be avoided. Type 2 is from poor lifestyle habits which overrides the pancreas’ ability to fight glucose in the blood with the production of insulin. The term “sweet pee” is from diabetic urine which has to excrete more glucose due to inability to handle it in the body with natural hormones.

Type 2 is generally caused from poor diet, poor sleeping habits, and low activity levels. This combination can originally cause pre-diabetes with some elevated blood glucose levels. At this stage, when a doctor warns you about this, you should really start to look into changing your lifestyle to avoid diabetes. This can include working with a health and wellness coach to alter your current health habits.

Technically, you cannot cure diabetes. It is, however, very controllable and may not need to take any medication to control it with the proper lifestyle. This can also avoid complications with diabetes which include loss of limbs, spiking glucose levels, and heart disease. with poorly controlled diabetes, a host of other problems generally arise and increasingly effect your health. If you already have diabetes, please reach out to your medical provider prior to starting a new exercise or lifestyle change. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns with your current diagnosis (or pre-diagnosis).


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