Why Health Coaching?

As a former physical therapist, I get a lot of people asking why I switched. Physical therapy is a great steady job which deals with health and wellbeing, right? Correct, but there is one big difference that influenced why I want to do what I am doing now. Prevention.

As a physical therapist, we work with people after injuries or illness occur. We work with improving their health back to where it was before the incident. However, with this being said, we do not work with anyone before serious health changes happen. Insurance does not include preventative health. Prevention can improve people’s quality of life ten fold, and keeps them doing what they love for longer.

Many people see things changing in their health but do not act on the change quick enough. When your weight slowly starts to increase or your blood pressure increases, you dont think much of it now, until it becomes a serious health issue. I want to work with people to improve daily health habits and lifestyle choices to decrease the serious health issues from ever happening.

Another reason for the change is the simple fact of caseload. As a physical therapist, I would see nearly 60-70 patients a week. This meant that they each got a small percentage of my time. My goal is to work with no more than 10 people at a time as a health and wellness coach so that I can dedicate more time and effort into each individual and make them feel like more of a priority.


First steps to a healthier you


Type 2 diabetes